Louisiana Public Service Commission Seal

Winter Storm 2021 Event Information

MISO Presentation

SPP Presentation

Entergy Presentation

NOAA weather map for week of February 12-19, 2021

The Commission created an opportunity for the public to provide public comments electronically on the Winter Storm Event in lieu of participating in the meeting. Public comments were accepted between Monday, February 22 and Wednesday, February 24 at 9:30 a.m. Those comments can be viewed here. Additional comments were received after the comment period ended, and those comments can be viewed here. All comments received are also part of the record of the Commission's February 24, 2020 Business and Executive Session.

At the Commission's February B&E, the Electric Utilities were preliminarily questioned about the winter storms occurring the week of February 15, 2021. During the B&E, the Commission also indicated follow-up questions would be forthcoming. The Commission submitted follow-up questions to all jurisdictional electric utilities on March 1, 2021 requesting written responses no later than Wednesday, April 7, 2021. All responses received will also be posted here.

The February 24, 2021 B&E Meeting was conducted via Zoom and recorded. To download the recorded meeting, please click here. Please note that very small portions of the recording were not recorded due to unforeseen glitches. When completed, the official transcript of the February B&E will include the sections of the meeting that are missing from the video recording.

Responses to Storm Questions