Pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statue 45:252 all pipe lines through which petroleum is conveyed from one point in this state to another point in the state are declared to be common carriers as defined below and are placed under the control of and subject to regulation by the Louisiana Public Service Commission.
"Common carrier" includes all persons engaged in the transportation of petroleum as public utilities and common carriers for hire; or which on proper showing may be legally held a common carrier from the nature of the business conducted, or from the manner in which such business is carried on.
"Petroleum" means crude petroleum, crude petroleum products, distillate, condensate, liquefied petroleum gas, any hydrocarbon in a liquid state, any product in a liquid state which is derived in whole or in part from any hydrocarbon, and any mixture or mixtures thereof; provided, however, that such term shall not include methanol synthetically produced from coal, lignite, or petroleum coke.
"Pipe line" includes the real estate, rights of way, pipe in line, telephone and telegraph lines or other communication systems, tank facilities as herein designated, and necessary for the proper conduct of its business as a common carrier, all fixtures, equipment and personal property of every kind owned, controlled, operated, used or managed, in connection with, or to facilitate the transportation, distribution and delivery of petroleum through lines constructed of pipe.
The Commission's General Order dated March 9, 2015 contains the requirements for petroleum pipeline common carriers. COMMON CARRIER PIPELINE GENERAL ORDER
Prior to initiating service, a Carrier shall submit a registration with the Commission and attach tariff(s). The registration shall include:
All Registrations, Tariffs, Correspondence & Filings should be mailed to:
Transportation Division
Post Office Box 91154
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-9154
No later than sixty days after the effective date of a change, a Carrier shall notify the Commission of a change to any of the information that the Carrier provided in its registration as a common carrier pipeline, including notification that the Carrier terminates its registration with the Commission as a common carrier, i.e. all tariffs and contracts have been cancelled and the Carrier has terminated common carrier operations in Louisiana.
A Carrier shall notify the Commission of a Name Change no later than sixty days after the effective date of the change and remit the $150.00 Name Change fee.
Inspection & Supervision Fee Reports: Each quarter, Common Carrier Petroleum Pipelines shall submit an Inspection & Supervision Fee ("ISF")
Report to the Louisiana Department of Revenue and make ISF payments. The ISF report shall reflect all gross receipts
of such pipeline's Louisiana intrastate business, including those receipts from Foreign Trade Zone locations within Louisiana
according to Revenue Ruling No. 19-001 dated April 17, 2019 and Commission Letter dated February 07, 2020.
*A copy of these letters can be found below.
Revenue Ruling No. 19-01
Commission Letter dated February 07, 2020
Annual Reports: Each year, within 120 days after the close of that year's business,
Common Carrier Petroleum Pipelines shall submit an annual report utilizing the Commission's
annual report form. This report shall indicate the total gross receipts or revenue of such
pipeline's Louisiana intrastate business, including those receipts from Foreign Trade
Zone locations within Louisiana. Carriers who do not timely submit reports are assessed
a $500.00 Late Fee.
*Click this link for a blank
Pipeline Annual Report.
All Carriers shall maintain tariffs on file with the Commission or obtain approval for a tariff exception. Carriers shall charge rates that are just and reasonable, and not unreasonably discriminatory, for services offered under the same or similar circumstances.
Contents - All tariffs shall contain the following information
Cancellation of Tariff
A carrier must cancel a tariff when all of the services reflected in the tariff are terminated or no longer provided by that Carrier.
The Carrier must submit notification of the cancellation to the Commission within 30 days of the termination of service or provision of service by that Carrier. The cancellation notification must include a statement certifying that the Carrier's current shippers affected by the cancellation have been notified of the cancellation. This paragraph does not apply to temporary suspensions of service.
Tariff Exception
A Carrier may request approval from the Commission's Executive Secretary to provide service on a particular pipeline segment pursuant to the terms of transportation contracts with individual shippers rather than a tariff. The request shall include:
Carriers operating under the tariff exception must comply with all requirements of the General Order except those related to tariff and rate filings. These Carriers are also obligated to report to the Commission the addition of or the refusal of service to new shippers and the termination, expiration, or renegotiation of contracts with existing shippers.
Rate Increases
As stated in the following paragraphs, a Carrier may increase its rates through Indexing, Commission Approval, or Limited Temporary Surcharge.
Indexing - Filing Fee of $50.00 - A Carrier may file a revised tariff no later than September 1 of each year reflecting a rate increase that is tied to the indexed annual percentage rate increase last published by the FERC (The FERC indexing rate is currently adjusted annually based on changes in the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods ("PPI-FG")) Staff may accept tariffs reflecting increased rates based on indexing that are submitted after September 1 for good cause shown. The transmittal letter shall confirm that notification of the rate change has been provided to the Carrier's current shippers affected by the rate increase and describe the form of notification provided to such shippers. Carriers that do not have a FERC-approved tariff may also use this indexing method.
Except for good cause, and Staff approval, a Carrier who implements a rate increase or temporary surcharge pursuant to Commission Approval, as stated in the next paragraph, shall not, for a period of twelve months following implementation of that rate increase or temporary surcharge, submit a revised tariff for another increase on the same service based on indexing.
Commission Approval - Filing Fee of $300.00- A Carrier may request Commission approval of a rate increase or temporary surcharge by submitting a written letter request. The request shall provide the amount of the requested rate increase or temporary surcharge, a justification for the increase or surcharge, a proposed revised tariff, and confirmation that the Carrier's current shippers affected by the rate increase or temporary surcharge have been notified of the request with a description of the form of notification provided to shippers.
Limited Temporary Surcharge - Filing Fee of $50.00 - A Carrier may file a revised tariff reflecting a temporary surcharge for the purpose of amortizing capital expenditures associated with the pipeline. The transmittal letter shall include: 1) an explanation of the need for the capital expenditure and its amortization, and 2) confirmation that the temporary surcharge has been approved by the Carrier's current shippers affected by the surcharge.
Notice Only Filing Fee of $150.00
Under the circumstances stated below, a Carrier shall provide written notice to the Commission prior to selling, merging, consolidating, or otherwise transferring a pipeline segment which has rates and services subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. The notice shall be a joint filing of the transferor and transferee and provide a summary of the pipeline segment transfer transaction.
If the transferee will ship its own product only, the notice shall include
If the transferee is a Carrier, or will become a carrier as a result of the transfer, the notice shall include:
Under the circumstances stated below, a Carrier shall provide a written request prior to selling, merging, consolidating, or otherwise transferring a pipeline segment which has rates and services subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. The request shall be a joint filing of the transferor and transferee and provide a summary of the pipeline segment transfer transaction.
If the transferee is a Carrier, or will become a Carrier as a result of the transfer, who does not meet the requirements for Notice Only transfer as stated above, then the transferor and transferor must obtain Staff approval prior to the transfer of a pipeline segment operating pursuant to a tariff and must obtain Executive Secretary approval prior to the transfer of a pipeline segment operating pursuant to a tariff exception.
A Carrier is not required to meet the requirements of General Orders dated June 16, 1953; October 28, 1968; March 18, 1994; and February 4, 2013
Inspection and Supervision Fee Template (Calculates Quarterly Inspection and Supervision Fees -2015 & prior)
Inspection and Supervision Fee Template (Calculates Quarterly Inspection and Supervision Fees - 2016 only)
Inspection and Supervision Fee Template (Calculates Quarterly Inspection and Supervision Fees - for the years 2017 & beyond)